Kick-off Acoutect


In January the Acoutect ITN project started with a fruitful kick-off meeting in Eindhoven! ‘Acoutect: A sound fundament for our future buildings’ has been granted by the European Commision as a H2020 Marie- Curie ITN project. Level Acoustics & Vibration is one of the industry partners in the consortium. Other partners are TU/e, Aalto, KU Leuven, Liverpool, Chalmers (Universities), Materialize, Matelys, Siemens, Moelven, Akustikversan and NCC (Industry). Fifteen early stage researchers will work in this training project. The researcher working at Level will focus on the development of vibro-acoustic insulation solutions of service equipment at lightweight building elements.

All positions are still vacant. Applying for a position as early stage researcher is possible until March 31st 2017 through the following link:

More information can be found on the website:


Acoutect supervisors